One of the many reasons we travel is to recharge. A holiday gives us a break from our normal routine. We are then more present and calm. So how do we travel more mindfully?

Here are 5 things to do for more mindful travel; breathe, switch off, write it down, rely on the senses and be flexible.

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Sometimes life can get so busy that we forget to breathe. This lack of rest can lead to health issues.

Let’s take a really deep breath now.

Close your eyes, breathe in and empty your mind of every thought. Don’t focus on the noise, concentrate on your breathing as you let every part of your body slowly relax. Breathe out. Any stress you feel, will disappear and the worries of the world will just slip away. 😮‍💨 Bliss!

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Switch off

Taking a break means switching off.

Switch off your phone and/or laptop and give yourself a rest from technology. 📵 You put an out of office email message on when you go on holidays, right? So, give your technology gadgets a holiday too.

Resist the temptation to have a sneaky look at that email in your inbox. It can wait and your mental health will thank you for it.

Instead of looking at your mobile, why not relax with that book you’ve been meaning to read? 📚

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Write it down

Traveling is the perfect time to do some journaling. Journaling is a great way to write down what’s happening. Sort of like a diary. A recollection of experiences and reflections.

Journaling is also good for your mental health. Writing down your feelings to understand them more clearly. Grab that notebook and get writing!

Rely on the senses

Like journaling, feel your way by using your senses to guide you. When you visit a new destination, use your senses to really absorb the essence of the place.

What do you see, smell, hear, feel and touch? Your senses will lead the way.

Feeling zen already!

Be flexible

In our normal daily life we usually follow a schedule. Try something different while on holidays. Have days where you have no schedule and be flexible with what you do.

Those unexpected experiences will present themselves and you’ll be so glad you decided to go with the flow.

Did you enjoy the 5 things to do for more mindful travel?

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